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Do You MamaRoo?

Space Chair

My wife finally convinced me to pop on this crazy baby item known as the Mamaroo.  It’s by a company called 4 Moms.  Remember when I said our house is over run with baby, its spreading pretty much on a weekly basis.  Now we have of course, added to our growing inventory the new Mama roo too. 

OK this thing ended up being pretty darn cool.  First off my wife put the whole thing together while I took a nap. That was just the start to the wonderful bliss that has become the Mamaroo.   How does it work?  Awesome!  It has like 5 settings from car ride to ocean. Babies really like to be moving constantly.  And this thing achieves this type of motion without effort.  I can also attest that  my back dosent mind its constant presence in our living room.

Actually it is really neat.  Looks like a super space chair and has an I pod jack so we load it with her favorites, and she cruises nice and smooth.  Great for a nap time as the motion will most times rock her back to sleep without issues.  I almost felt guilty the first day or so as it worked so well it gave daday a couple nice breaks.  After this you will begine to wonder if they make one of these for adults.” I wanna rock all nice and chill to music in a space chair”.

 I thought I would do a post on it in helps to inform anyone else that may be on the fence on the purchase.  We are glad we bought ours.  and our daughter really does love it so thumbs up for the Mama Roo.  So yes we do MamaRoo. I do do do..

  Ok…I  just really wanted to put that pic up, sorry Honey….